
Thanks so much to all viewers, likers and followers.
Hope that this little blog of mine will create smile =D and enjoyment as well as tie our ukhuwah in a good way.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Najah!!

It's been half month away after we all celebrating 1st Najah's birthday...on 14 Oct 2010. Ini pun dh nak masuk bulan November. Sori banyak2 ye Najah, baru ni ibu menyempat nak cerita pasal birthday Najah =)..
You're already my 1 year old daughter, dear. Cepat je masa berlalu...
Birthday Najah yg jatuh pada hari Khamis membuatkan persiapannya agak clumsy sikit, maklumla..weekday. Kebetulan, family En. Zikri akan bertolak pulang ke Sweden pagi tu, jadinya start from the morning dah agak busy uruskan itu ini. Right after that, babysit one of our friend's daughter till evening. Sudahnya, agak terkial-kial jugakla org yg amatur macam kita ni bercita-cita nk buat kek sendiri hehehe...
Taaraaaa!!!!...1st Najah's birthday cake =)...

Kisah Kek yg Tak Berapa Nak Jadi...=)
  • Before Najah's big day, ada la buat sikit research/study nak buat kek apa. Hubby dah suggest buat kek coklat je, like the one I've made before. Tapi hati ni tak terasa plak nak buat kek coklat, coz teringin nk try something new. 
  • Habis punye fikir, hemtam jelah...buat kek pisang...lagi pun tak pernah try lagi. Nak jadikan special sikit, marblekan die dgn coklat. 
  • Hmmm...jadi, itulah dia hasil kek ibu buat 1st birthday Najah hehe. Kalaula Najah dh pandai cakap, mesti banyak yg dia nk complain hihihi...apsal la kek Najah tak serupa birthday kek org lain.
  • Kalau nk describe about the taste of the cake, hmmm...biarlah jadi rahsia antara family kitorg je huhuhu. But to give rough idea, hubby bilang rasenye mcm Secret Recipe..'padat semacam' hahaha...(ada ke nk perli pn boleh compare dgn Secret Recipe..)
  • Tentang dekonye, just buat ikut apa bahan yg ada kt rumah je. Nak ikut class kek belum seru lg, hasilnya...bahan2 yg ada kt rumah yg jd mangsa. Wording pakai cheese spread (kek yg dulu pakai mayonis), tepinya pula just pakai cream spray (selalunya cream tu kita makan dgn strawberry). Memule tu cantikla kt atas kek, after that creamnya mencair. Time ni dah tak kesah dah keknya nk jadi rasa apa, ke langit ke laut, yg den tau, asalkan cantik hehehe...

Alham yg dh xsabar nk potong kek, tp kene Skype dulu dgn family kt Melaka

Akhirnya..sesi potong kek. Lambat juga tunggu nak potong kek ni coz abah balik dari ofis pun dh malam..

Tak ketinggalan, Najah celebrate birthday dengan Yayi, Nyayi, A'mi Faisal & Acu Hikmah di Melaka. The day before, Yayi dh mentioned & insisted to see thru Skype, how was their grandaughter with her 1st celebration. Yg kesiannya, terpaksa kejutkan Nyayi yg dh sedap tidur coz time tu dah pukul 1pagi hehe. Dengan mengantuknya Nyayi bangun coz nak tengok sama Najah potong kek. Sian Nyayi...

Alham pulak macam biasa dah xsabar nak melantak kek. Semua belum setup lg, tp dia dah melulu nk potong kek. Hehehe...tetibe terfikir, apa la yg si kecil Alham tau tentang rupe & rase kek yg ibu die dah buat. Yg die tau seronok dan dpt makan je. Najah pulak, dh jadi tabiat die, pantang nampak makanan or minuman dpn mata.. terus tak tentu arah. Boleh tahan betul selera makan Najah sekarang, tp orangnya still maintain kecik comel je camtu =)...

Friday, 29 October 2010

Sambut 'Org Sweden'

Agak jarang rumah kami didatangi tetamu jauh. Apatah lagi bermalam kt sini. Then, bila dapat khabar ada member hubby nk dtg bertandang, (14 Oct 2010) berbunga riangla kitorg kt Soton ni. Tambahan pulak, guest yg datang dr jauh...all the way from Sweden! Thanks to En. Zikri Abadi & his lovely spouse, Kak Sazilah Yaakob yg sudi jenguk kitorg kt Soton ni. Mohon ampun kalau ada yg terkurang ye.
Bergambar kenangan sebelum pulang
En. Zikri sekeluarga actually on their journey around UK. Sebelum ni dah stopped by dulu jenguk kawan2 UTeM kat Sheffield (family Lokman) and Liverpool (family Fazlli). Then, singgah di Southampton before ahead to London.

Buat tangan dari Sweden..=D
Dapat buah tangan dari Sweden hehe. Syok betul..Lindvall Kaffe & Choc Bar. Katanya kopi Sweden ni sedap, ade ummpphh gitu. Lama jugak org Soton tak minum kopi fresh, selalunye menghirup nescafe je (coz tak confident taste kopi kt UK ni sesuai dgn tekak sendiri,tu yg malas nk membeli..alasan je tu hihi). Ikut kata En. Zikri, kopinya perlu dimasak/direbus dulu sebelum diminum, baru ada feel the taste of a good cup coffee.

Kereta yg disewa
Nampak je comel kereta ni, tp bleh muat byk brg
Sayangnya hanya overnight 1mlm je, xsempat nk borak pnjg
Sempat hubby bawak melawat ke Lab High Voltage di Univ Southampton

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Autumn Day Out

Dah lama rasanye tak bersiar-siar kt area rumah and univ. Selalunye asik berjalan dlm kereta jek (tu yg buat jd malas nk menapak hehe). Tambah plak, kaki hubby still blum baik sepenuhnya. Tapi, nak dijadikan cerita, tiba2 je hubby bg idea last weekend nk day out kt area univ, jalan2 cuci mata.. tgk pokok2 and weather autumn. So, inilah hasilnya yg kitorg dpt ptg tu..
Alham was so happy dpt keluar dr rumah =)...

Autumn 2010 Day Out in Jeans...
Weekend before day out, actually kitorg keluar borong some stuff kt carboot. Kali ni kitorg ke Fair Oak pulak. Luckily dpt 2 jeans jackets (0.50 pence each for Alham and mine hehe..baru plak tu). Hubby and Najah already dah ada sorg satu. So, lengkaplah family with jeans wear hihihi. Hubby bg idea kite keluar tangkap gmbr sakan dgn jaket jean kali nih =).

One of autumn tree
New building ... the idea, most of it built from wood...
Dpt cari satu pokok which is most of the leaves are RED...
The Red Leaf Tree...hehe..pandai2 je bg nama pokok

Sepanjang explore kitorg petang tu, this tree got the most autumn color coz bnyak dedaunnya warna merah. Jadi orang jakun jap, take much time to capture pictures kt area pokok ni. Hubby kate, tree ni bleh jadi one mark for every season after see the color changing and how is it doing. Looking forward to monitor this lovely tree this coming winter =)..

Teringat plak kt one of our friend (Din & Sarah) yg pandai amik gambar from lovely and unique angel. Even, tak pakai camera mahal2, tp still leh capture gambar2 yg cantik. Masih study lagi camne nak snap gambar and being a pro to my own camera..

Spider with its web

Singgah di surau univ for solat asar before continue snapping beautiful autumn shots. Nasib baik surau kosong coz time weekend tak ramai org kat univ. 


 Bapak & anak main lawan2...konon2la..hihi

On the way back home, singgah dulu pekena kebab hehe. Actually tak pernah lagi dine in makan kt tempat kebab ni. Kebab kt UK nih lain skit rupenye dari kebab kt Malaysia or kt Mekah. Biasanya kalau kat tempat kita dagingnya akan dipotong halus kemudian dicincang, baru dimasukkan ke dalam roti pita etc. Di UK, dagingnya dipotong halus dan terus dihidang bersama roti pita dan salad campur serta disalut dengan mayonis, sos pedas dan garlic sauce, serve dlm polistrene. Rasanya mmg yummy...sesekali kalau takde mood nk masak, kt tmpt ni la yg kitorg selalu beli. Dekat dgn univ.

Gelagat si anak bujang...
Abah punye meal dah habis licin...cepat je...
Hajat di hati nak amik gmbr kebabnye before makan, tp once kebabnye sampai...terus lupe..perut yg kosong didahulukan dulu hehe..Next time leh amik gmbr full version kebab =)

Monday, 25 October 2010

Guide Me, Ya Allah!...

Whenever you feel like lost,
Find Al-Quran to get you in right course

Whenever you think you're in sorrow,
Have your wuduk to make you back in glow

If there's anything make you feel you're alone,
Remember that Allah the only who never gone

If there's nobody to hear your pain,
Open your palm, story that to The One who gives us rain

Don't let your heart drown you with nothing,
Come back to our Creator who had gave you everything!!!